TabelTop Store Champs 2016, 14th Nathan P - Titan Glacier
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Total Cards: 49
Total Influence: 16 / 17
Total Cards: 49
Total Influence: 16 / 17
- Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future (Order and Chaos)
Agenda (10)
- 3x Project Atlas (What Lies Ahead)
- 1x NAPD Contract (Double Time)
- 3x High-Risk Investment (Order and Chaos)
- 3x Firmware Updates (Order and Chaos)
Asset (13)
- 3x Aggressive Secretary (Core Set) •• •• ••
- 3x Project Junebug (Core Set) • • •
- 1x Elizabeth Mills (Second Thoughts)
- 3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) • • •
- 2x GRNDL Refinery (Fear and Loathing)
- 1x Mark Yale (Order and Chaos)
ICE (18)
- 2x Archer (Core Set)
- 1x Hadrian's Wall (Core Set)
- 2x Enigma (Core Set)
- 1x Caduceus (What Lies Ahead)
- 2x Swordsman (Second Thoughts) • •
- 2x Hive (Double Time)
- 2x Asteroid Belt (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Wormhole (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Nebula (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Orion (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Spiderweb (The Underway)
Operation (6)
- 2x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
- 2x Commercialization (Cyber Exodus)
- 2x Back Channels (Old Hollywood)
Upgrade (2)
- 1x Ash 2X3ZB9CY (What Lies Ahead) ••
- 1x Cyberdex Virus Suite (Order and Chaos)
- Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future (Order and Chaos)
Core Set (13)
- 3x Aggressive Secretary (Core Set) •• •• ••
- 3x Project Junebug (Core Set) • • •
- 2x Archer (Core Set)
- 1x Hadrian's Wall (Core Set)
- 2x Enigma (Core Set)
- 2x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
Cyber Exodus (2)
- 2x Commercialization (Cyber Exodus)
Double Time (3)
- 1x NAPD Contract (Double Time)
- 2x Hive (Double Time)
Fear and Loathing (2)
- 2x GRNDL Refinery (Fear and Loathing)
Old Hollywood (2)
- 2x Back Channels (Old Hollywood)
Opening Moves (3)
- 3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) • • •
Order and Chaos (14)
- 3x High-Risk Investment (Order and Chaos)
- 3x Firmware Updates (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Mark Yale (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Asteroid Belt (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Wormhole (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Nebula (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Orion (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Cyberdex Virus Suite (Order and Chaos)
Second Thoughts (3)
- 1x Elizabeth Mills (Second Thoughts)
- 2x Swordsman (Second Thoughts) • •
The Underway (2)
- 2x Spiderweb (The Underway)
What Lies Ahead (5)
- 3x Project Atlas (What Lies Ahead)
- 1x Caduceus (What Lies Ahead)
- 1x Ash 2X3ZB9CY (What Lies Ahead) ••
- Titan Transnational: Investing In Your Future (Order and Chaos)
Haas-Bioroid (4)
- 3x Aggressive Secretary (Core Set) •• •• ••
- 1x Ash 2X3ZB9CY (What Lies Ahead) ••
Jinteki (5)
- 3x Project Junebug (Core Set) • • •
- 2x Swordsman (Second Thoughts) • •
NBN (3)
- 3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) • • •
Neutral (6)
- 2x Enigma (Core Set)
- 2x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
- 1x NAPD Contract (Double Time)
- 1x Cyberdex Virus Suite (Order and Chaos)
Weyland Consortium (31)
- 2x Archer (Core Set)
- 1x Hadrian's Wall (Core Set)
- 2x Commercialization (Cyber Exodus)
- 2x Hive (Double Time)
- 2x GRNDL Refinery (Fear and Loathing)
- 2x Back Channels (Old Hollywood)
- 3x High-Risk Investment (Order and Chaos)
- 3x Firmware Updates (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Mark Yale (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Asteroid Belt (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Wormhole (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Nebula (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Orion (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Elizabeth Mills (Second Thoughts)
- 2x Spiderweb (The Underway)
- 3x Project Atlas (What Lies Ahead)
- 1x Caduceus (What Lies Ahead)
- This deck finished 14th after round at the TabelTop Store Champs 2016 in Overland Park, KS, USA on the 2016-03-26