Paris GNK - Saucisse Emmitoufle, 7th Shamooon - Eat Fast, Eat Bio!
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Total Cards: 49
Total Influence: 15 / 15
Total Cards: 49
Total Influence: 15 / 15
- Jinteki Biotech: Life imagined (The Valley)
Agenda (10)
- 3x Nisei MK II (Core Set)
- 3x Braintrust (What Lies Ahead)
- 3x Medical Breakthrough (Honor and Profit)
- 1x Philotic Entanglement (Honor and Profit)
Asset (8)
- 3x Snare! (Core Set)
- 2x Melange Mining Corp. (Core Set)
- 3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) • • •
ICE (16)
- 1x Chum (Core Set)
- 1x Neural Katana (Core Set)
- 1x Wall of Thorns (Core Set)
- 2x Wall of Static (Core Set)
- 2x Himitsu-Bako (Opening Moves)
- 1x Swordsman (Second Thoughts)
- 1x Tsurugi (True Colors)
- 1x Komainu (Honor and Profit)
- 1x Shinobi (Double Time)
- 1x Pup (Honor and Profit)
- 3x Lotus Field (Upstalk)
- 1x Crick (Breaker Bay)
Operation (15)
- 3x Biotic Labor (Core Set) •••• •••• ••••
- 3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
- 2x Trick of Light (Trace Amount)
- 3x Celebrity Gift (Opening Moves)
- 2x Mushin No Shin (Honor and Profit)
- 2x Medical Research Fundraiser (Honor and Profit)
- Jinteki Biotech: Life imagined (The Valley)
Breaker Bay (1)
- 1x Crick (Breaker Bay)
Core Set (19)
- 3x Nisei MK II (Core Set)
- 3x Snare! (Core Set)
- 2x Melange Mining Corp. (Core Set)
- 1x Chum (Core Set)
- 1x Neural Katana (Core Set)
- 1x Wall of Thorns (Core Set)
- 2x Wall of Static (Core Set)
- 3x Biotic Labor (Core Set) •••• •••• ••••
- 3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
Double Time (1)
- 1x Shinobi (Double Time)
Honor and Profit (10)
- 3x Medical Breakthrough (Honor and Profit)
- 1x Philotic Entanglement (Honor and Profit)
- 1x Komainu (Honor and Profit)
- 1x Pup (Honor and Profit)
- 2x Mushin No Shin (Honor and Profit)
- 2x Medical Research Fundraiser (Honor and Profit)
Opening Moves (8)
- 3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) • • •
- 2x Himitsu-Bako (Opening Moves)
- 3x Celebrity Gift (Opening Moves)
Second Thoughts (1)
- 1x Swordsman (Second Thoughts)
Trace Amount (2)
- 2x Trick of Light (Trace Amount)
True Colors (1)
- 1x Tsurugi (True Colors)
Upstalk (3)
- 3x Lotus Field (Upstalk)
What Lies Ahead (3)
- 3x Braintrust (What Lies Ahead)
- Jinteki Biotech: Life imagined (The Valley)
Haas-Bioroid (3)
- 3x Biotic Labor (Core Set) •••• •••• ••••
Jinteki (36)
- 1x Crick (Breaker Bay)
- 3x Nisei MK II (Core Set)
- 3x Snare! (Core Set)
- 1x Chum (Core Set)
- 1x Neural Katana (Core Set)
- 1x Wall of Thorns (Core Set)
- 1x Shinobi (Double Time)
- 3x Medical Breakthrough (Honor and Profit)
- 1x Philotic Entanglement (Honor and Profit)
- 1x Komainu (Honor and Profit)
- 1x Pup (Honor and Profit)
- 2x Mushin No Shin (Honor and Profit)
- 2x Medical Research Fundraiser (Honor and Profit)
- 2x Himitsu-Bako (Opening Moves)
- 3x Celebrity Gift (Opening Moves)
- 1x Swordsman (Second Thoughts)
- 2x Trick of Light (Trace Amount)
- 1x Tsurugi (True Colors)
- 3x Lotus Field (Upstalk)
- 3x Braintrust (What Lies Ahead)
NBN (3)
- 3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) • • •
Neutral (7)
- 2x Melange Mining Corp. (Core Set)
- 2x Wall of Static (Core Set)
- 3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
- This deck finished 7th after round at the Paris GNK - Saucisse Emmitoufle in Paris, France on the 2015-10-10