Slovakia Nationals 2015, 35th Peter Kopac (PeekaySK) - Nothing to Hide v1.3 (Slovak Nationals 2015)
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Total Cards: 49
Total Influence: 15 / 15
Total Cards: 49
Total Influence: 15 / 15
- Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon (Order and Chaos)
Agenda (8)
- 1x Project Atlas (What Lies Ahead)
- 1x Hades Fragment (Up and Over)
- 3x Oaktown Renovation (Chrome City)
- 3x Hollywood Renovation (Old Hollywood)
Asset (11)
- 2x Melange Mining Corp. (Core Set)
- 3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) • • •
- 2x The Root (Upstalk)
- 2x Executive Boot Camp (All That Remains)
- 2x Constellation Protocol (Order and Chaos)
ICE (20)
- 3x Ice Wall (Core Set)
- 1x Swarm (Opening Moves)
- 2x Quandary (Double Time)
- 1x Asteroid Belt (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Wormhole (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Nebula (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Orion (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Fire Wall (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Negotiator (The Valley)
- 2x Meru Mati (Breaker Bay)
- 3x Spiderweb (The Underway)
Operation (6)
- 2x Beanstalk Royalties (Core Set)
- 3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
- 1x Interns (Mala Tempora)
Upgrade (4)
- 3x Caprice Nisei (Double Time) •••• •••• ••••
- 1x Cyberdex Virus Suite (Order and Chaos)
- Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon (Order and Chaos)
All That Remains (2)
- 2x Executive Boot Camp (All That Remains)
Breaker Bay (2)
- 2x Meru Mati (Breaker Bay)
Chrome City (3)
- 3x Oaktown Renovation (Chrome City)
Core Set (10)
- 2x Melange Mining Corp. (Core Set)
- 3x Ice Wall (Core Set)
- 2x Beanstalk Royalties (Core Set)
- 3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
Double Time (5)
- 2x Quandary (Double Time)
- 3x Caprice Nisei (Double Time) •••• •••• ••••
Mala Tempora (1)
- 1x Interns (Mala Tempora)
Old Hollywood (3)
- 3x Hollywood Renovation (Old Hollywood)
Opening Moves (4)
- 3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) • • •
- 1x Swarm (Opening Moves)
Order and Chaos (10)
- 2x Constellation Protocol (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Asteroid Belt (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Wormhole (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Nebula (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Orion (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Fire Wall (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Cyberdex Virus Suite (Order and Chaos)
The Underway (3)
- 3x Spiderweb (The Underway)
The Valley (2)
- 2x Negotiator (The Valley)
Up and Over (1)
- 1x Hades Fragment (Up and Over)
Upstalk (2)
- 2x The Root (Upstalk)
What Lies Ahead (1)
- 1x Project Atlas (What Lies Ahead)
- Gagarin Deep Space: Expanding the Horizon (Order and Chaos)
Jinteki (3)
- 3x Caprice Nisei (Double Time) •••• •••• ••••
NBN (3)
- 3x Jackson Howard (Opening Moves) • • •
Neutral (10)
- 2x Melange Mining Corp. (Core Set)
- 3x Hedge Fund (Core Set)
- 2x Quandary (Double Time)
- 1x Interns (Mala Tempora)
- 1x Cyberdex Virus Suite (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Hades Fragment (Up and Over)
Weyland Consortium (33)
- 2x Executive Boot Camp (All That Remains)
- 2x Meru Mati (Breaker Bay)
- 3x Oaktown Renovation (Chrome City)
- 3x Ice Wall (Core Set)
- 2x Beanstalk Royalties (Core Set)
- 3x Hollywood Renovation (Old Hollywood)
- 1x Swarm (Opening Moves)
- 2x Constellation Protocol (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Asteroid Belt (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Wormhole (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Nebula (Order and Chaos)
- 1x Orion (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Fire Wall (Order and Chaos)
- 3x Spiderweb (The Underway)
- 2x Negotiator (The Valley)
- 2x The Root (Upstalk)
- 1x Project Atlas (What Lies Ahead)
- This deck finished 35th after round at the Slovakia Nationals 2015 in Bratislava, Slovakia on the 2015-09-19