2015 Archive Event ZA (2014 ANR Winter GNK), 15th Nuno - Drip Drip .. I'm rich
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Total Cards: 45
Total Influence: 10 / 10
Total Cards: 45
Total Influence: 10 / 10
- Iain Stirling: Retired Spook (Honor and Profit)
Event (10)
- 2x Easy Mark (Core Set)
- 3x Inside Job (Core Set)
- 3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
- 2x Legwork (Honor and Profit)
Hardware (10)
- 1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
- 1x e3 Feedback Implants (Trace Amount)
- 3x Dyson Mem Chip (Trace Amount)
- 1x Feedback Filter (Creation and Control) •
- 2x R&D Interface (Future Proof) •• ••
- 2x Logos (Honor and Profit)
Icebreaker (8)
- 1x Corroder (Core Set) ••
- 1x ZU.13 Key Master (What Lies Ahead) ••
- 2x Faerie (Future Proof)
- 1x Garrote (True Colors)
- 3x Overmind (Honor and Profit)
Resource (17)
- 1x Crash Space (Core Set)
- 3x Underworld Contact (A Study in Static)
- 1x Kati Jones (Humanity's Shadow)
- 3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
- 1x Utopia Shard (All That Remains) •
- 3x The Supplier (First Contact)
- 2x Earthrise Hotel (The Source)
- 3x Data Folding (Order and Chaos)
- Iain Stirling: Retired Spook (Honor and Profit)
A Study in Static (3)
- 3x Underworld Contact (A Study in Static)
All That Remains (1)
- 1x Utopia Shard (All That Remains) •
Core Set (10)
- 2x Easy Mark (Core Set)
- 3x Inside Job (Core Set)
- 3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
- 1x Corroder (Core Set) ••
- 1x Crash Space (Core Set)
Creation and Control (4)
- 1x Feedback Filter (Creation and Control) •
- 3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
First Contact (3)
- 3x The Supplier (First Contact)
Future Proof (4)
- 2x R&D Interface (Future Proof) •• ••
- 2x Faerie (Future Proof)
Honor and Profit (7)
Humanity's Shadow (1)
- 1x Kati Jones (Humanity's Shadow)
Order and Chaos (3)
- 3x Data Folding (Order and Chaos)
The Source (2)
- 2x Earthrise Hotel (The Source)
Trace Amount (4)
- 1x e3 Feedback Implants (Trace Amount)
- 3x Dyson Mem Chip (Trace Amount)
True Colors (1)
- 1x Garrote (True Colors)
What Lies Ahead (2)
- 1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
- 1x ZU.13 Key Master (What Lies Ahead) ••
- Iain Stirling: Retired Spook (Honor and Profit)
Anarch (1)
- 1x Corroder (Core Set) ••
Criminal (17)
- 2x Easy Mark (Core Set)
- 3x Inside Job (Core Set)
- 1x Crash Space (Core Set)
- 3x The Supplier (First Contact)
- 2x Faerie (Future Proof)
- 2x Legwork (Honor and Profit)
- 2x Logos (Honor and Profit)
- 1x e3 Feedback Implants (Trace Amount)
- 1x Garrote (True Colors)
Neutral (23)
- 3x Underworld Contact (A Study in Static)
- 1x Utopia Shard (All That Remains) •
- 3x Sure Gamble (Core Set)
- 3x Daily Casts (Creation and Control)
- 3x Overmind (Honor and Profit)
- 1x Kati Jones (Humanity's Shadow)
- 3x Data Folding (Order and Chaos)
- 2x Earthrise Hotel (The Source)
- 3x Dyson Mem Chip (Trace Amount)
- 1x Plascrete Carapace (What Lies Ahead)
Shaper (4)
- 1x Feedback Filter (Creation and Control) •
- 2x R&D Interface (Future Proof) •• ••
- 1x ZU.13 Key Master (What Lies Ahead) ••
- This deck finished 15th after round at the 2015 Archive Event ZA (2014 ANR Winter GNK) in Johannesburg, South Africa on the 2015-05-17