Media Blitz
NBN - Operation - Current
Data and Destiny
- Cost: 2
- Influence: 3
This card is not trashed until another current is played or an agenda is stolen.
Choose an agenda in the Runner's score area. Media Blitz gains the text of that agenda.
Media Blitz is also played in 0.28% of the NBN deck with an average quantity of 1.5 per NBN deck.
Check some deck(s) with Media Blitz
Moscow GNK 2016-02-21, 5th Kovalev Aleksandr - Crazy Combo CI
Moscow GNK 2016-07-30 Singleton, 14th Amirhanov Artem - NEH
Bristol Netrunner Tournament may 2016, 7th James Richmond - NBN: Rewriting Reality
GameCafe Store Champs (Kala Ghoda + MWL), 12th Benjamin D - Cybernetics Mandatory Upgrades
The Geekery Store Champs 2016, 8th Mike S - Cybernetics Mandatory Upgrades