Little Engine
NBN - ICE - Code Gate
Chrome City
- Cost: 5
- Strength: 7
- Influence: 2
[Subroutine] End the run.
[Subroutine] End the run.
[Subroutine] The Runner gains 5[Credits].
Little Engine is also played in 15.22% of the NBN deck with an average quantity of 1.28 per NBN deck.
Check some deck(s) with Little Engine
Worlds Championship 2016, 9th Andre Nilsson - All my Children
Worlds Championship 2016, 35th Gabriel Fiedler - CtM Bankers
GLC LCQ 2016, 4th Brian Cassidy (x3r0h0ur) - ANRPC GLC 1st place - Some Canadian Guy's CTM 2016
Polish Nationals 2016, 1st Selverin - Bio Sync
GBG Chillax 2016, 1st Carl Lindbom (Doktorn) - Russian NEH