Criminal - Hardware
Up and Over
- Cost: 3
- Influence: 3
The first time you install a program from your grip during your turn, gain [Click]. Trash Autoscripter if you make an unsuccessful run.
Autoscripter is also played in 0.67% of the Criminal deck with an average quantity of 2 per Criminal deck.
Check some deck(s) with Autoscripter
THG Store Champ 2016, 5th Meric - Dawn of Khan 1.0
II Torneo Rifaito Salmorejo, 1st JOSEMARI - Techie guy non-MWL
Riga Summer 2015, 3rd ReiNijs - Yum Yum
Spilamberto Regional Championship 2015, 17th Luca Osiride Cascioli - Vera Library 4.0
La Crypte du jeu Store Championship, 1st Gaël Slip PENTECOTE - Autonoise