Theophilius Bagbiter
Criminal - Resource - Connection
Honor and Profit
- Cost: 3
- Influence: 4
When you install Theophilius Bagbiter, lose all credits in your credit pool.
Your maximum hand size is equal to the number of credits in your credit pool.
"Why is a raven like a typing desk?"
Illustrator: Matt Zeilinger
Theophilius Bagbiter is also played in 0.22% of the Criminal deck with an average quantity of 2 per Criminal deck.
Check some deck(s) with Theophilius Bagbiter
La Bordelaise Fatale GNK, 2nd Sdxbbs - Nototius Bagy
Slovakia Nationals 2015, 21st Michal Tomes (Krasty) - Chaose Theo Bagbee
Slovakia Nationals 2015, 21st Michal Tomes (Krasty) - Chaosed Theo Bagbee
Italian National Championship 2015, 2nd Francesco DAlessio - Faust Theory
1er Torneo Netrunner in the house, 6th Francisco - Para probar