Lag Time
Neutral - Operation - Current
The Spaces Between
- Cost: 2
This operation is not trashed until another current is played or an agenda is stolen.
All ice have +1 strength.
"I don't care how good your console is, or how tricked out your rig is. The lag time on a run on the moon from earthside can be a killer." -Leela Patel
Illustrator: Ed Mattinian
Check some deck(s) with Lag Time
Polish Nationals 2016, 31st DonMakaron - Eat Your Vegetables
New Zealand Nationals 2016, 18th Mark Knewstubb - Sideways Space Stock
Brighton Store Champ, 16th James Nowecki - MWL Sol
London Store Champ, 31st Tom Lane - Targeted Content
Winter GNK - Dice Saloon Brighton, 7th James Nowecki - Post apocalypse Sol