Viktor 1.0
Haas-Bioroid - ICE - Code Gate - Bioroid - AP
Core Set
- Cost: 3
- Strength: 3
- Influence: 2
The Runner can spend [Click] to break any subroutine on Viktor 1.0.
[Subroutine] Do 1 brain damage.
[Subroutine] End the run.
My name is Viktor. Nice to meet you. Would you like to play a game?
Illustrator: Anna Ignatieva
Viktor 1.0 is also played in 19.01% of the Haas-Bioroid deck with an average quantity of 1.79 per Haas-Bioroid deck.
Check some deck(s) with Viktor 1.0
Montreal Sealed 18/09/2016, 3rd Roberto Linteau - Sealed Corp
UK Nationals 2016, 42nd Iain Fairclough - Baker Street
Moscow GNK 2016-07-30 Singleton, 12th Glazova Tatyana - ETF
Moscow GNK 2016-07-30 Singleton, 6th Shurigin Egor - ETF
Moscow GNK 2016-07-30 Singleton, 3rd Galkin Dmitry - Milleinum Flacon Bioroid 7