Diversified Portfolio
Neutral - Operation - Transaction
Honor and Profit
- Cost: 1
Gain 1[Credits] for each remote server with a card installed in it.
YucaBean has seen astounding growth in even the most remote markets.
Illustrator: Emilio Rodriguez
Check some deck(s) with Diversified Portfolio Newbie Tournament @SC Brno, 4th Ladyarcher (Dana Hronova) - korporace zacatecnici Brno
CSGS Store Championship, 2nd Pedraum - Friendly IG
Moscow GNK 2016-11-26 , 5th Zubko Dmitriy - Cancer shit
Store Championship - Geekery HQ, 2016, 7th Teo Mesiouris - Old Hollywood Gagarin
New Zealand Nationals 2016, 18th Mark Knewstubb - Sideways Space Stock