Oracle May
Neutral - Resource - Connection
Honor and Profit
- Cost: 1
- Influence: 1
You cannot use Oracle May more than once per turn.
[Click]: Name a card type. Reveal the top card of your stack. If the revealed card is of the named type, draw it and gain 2[Credits]. Otherwise, trash it.
"The best place to hide is in plain sight, don't you think?"
Illustrator: Matt Zeilinger
Check some deck(s) with Oracle May
New Zealand Nationals 2016, 18th Mark Knewstubb - Ken's Notorious Comet Party
Bristol Netrunner Tournament may 2016, 7th James Richmond - Oracle May's Clone Lawyers
Kansas City Regional 2016, 26th Josh M - Andy Vision
1er Torneo Netrunner in the house, 6th Francisco - Para probar
UK Nationals 2015, 129th John O'Brien - Andy Loves Oracle May