Anarch - Hardware - Chip
Core Set
- Cost: 2
- Influence: 1
1[Recurring Credits]
Use this credit to pay for using icebreakers or for installing virus programs.
I feel almost naked without it
Illustrator: Gong Studios
Cyberfeeder is also played in 13.43% of the Anarch deck with an average quantity of 2.23 per Anarch deck.
Check some deck(s) with Cyberfeeder
Troll2jeu Regional May 2017, 5th gnouff - Noise Mono Breaker Newbie Tournament @SC Brno, 4th Ladyarcher (Dana Hronova) - zacatecnici brnorunner
Moscow GNK 2016-07-30 Singleton, 12th Glazova Tatyana - Noise
Moscow GNK 2016-07-30 Singleton, 6th Shurigin Egor - Noise
Moscow GNK 2016-07-30 Singleton, 1st Rogozin Anton - Noise