Bioroid Efficiency Research
Haas-Bioroid - Operation - Condition
Creation and Control
- Cost: 3
- Influence: 2
Rez a piece of bioroid ice, ignoring all costs, and install Bioroid Efficiency Research on that ice as a hosted condition counter with the text "Trash Bioroid Efficiency Research and derez host ice if all its subroutines are broken during a single encounter."
Illustrator: Emilio Rodriguez
Bioroid Efficiency Research is also played in 1.3% of the Haas-Bioroid deck with an average quantity of 2.6 per Haas-Bioroid deck.
Check some deck(s) with Bioroid Efficiency Research
II Torneo Rifaito Salmorejo, 4th CHUVI - The Foundry
Brno 2015-11-07 GNK Red October Tournament, 13th Snowcub (Dusan Frolkovic) - I Ain't Paying for this ... !!!
Colorado Regional - 2015 , 16th Spenser Lee - ETF Glacier
Petrie's Family Games 2015 Store Championship, 1st Ryan Burke - Foundry Twins
Colorado Regional, 8th Joshua Ely - Next Design