Efficiency Committee
Haas-Bioroid - Agenda - Initiative
Creation and Control
- Advancement Cost: 4
- Agenda Point: 2
Place 3 agenda counters on Efficiency Committee when you score it.
[Click], hosted agenda counter: Gain [Click][Click]. You cannot advance cards for the remainder of this turn.
Illustrator: Jason Rumpff
Efficiency Committee is also played in 15.36% of the Haas-Bioroid deck with an average quantity of 2.07 per Haas-Bioroid deck.
Check some deck(s) with Efficiency Committee
- "Grajfer" Toru? Storechampionship - 2017, 2nd ?mieszny - Hasty CI
- Moscow GNK 2016-11-26 , 1st Pinchuk Sergey - Design of Rush
- Store Championship - Geekery HQ, 2016, 6th Alex Duryee - Hedgehog CI
- Polish Nationals 2016, 8th Szutek - J.A.R.V.I.S 2.1
- Montreal Sealed 18/09/2016, 3rd Roberto Linteau - Sealed Corp