Data Leak Reversal
Anarch - Resource - Virtual - Sabotage
Future Proof
- Influence: 1
Install only if you made a successful run on a central server this turn.
If you are tagged, Data Leak Reversal gains "[Click]: The Corp trashes the top card of R&D."
A two-way solution to a one-way problem, the data leak reversal, or DLR for short, is a misnomer. There is no actual reversal of data, only the creation of a parallel peer-to-peer link with the initial source.
Illustrator: Andrew Mar
Data Leak Reversal is also played in 7.34% of the Anarch deck with an average quantity of 2.74 per Anarch deck.
Check some deck(s) with Data Leak Reversal
Worlds Championship 2016, 112th Matthew Dawkins - Minh MaxX
Worlds Championship 2016, 2nd Benjamin Weijun Ni - Minh MaxX++
GLC LCQ 2016, 4th Brian Cassidy (x3r0h0ur) - ANRPC GLC 1st place - Kitty Cornered 2016
New Zealand Nationals 2016, 7th William Turner - Gramble Scrub
Moscow GNK 2016-08-20, 5th Anton Smirnov - Gramble Scrub