The Professor: Keeper of Knowledge
Shaper - Identity - Natural
Creation and Control
- Max Influence: 1
- Deck Minimum Cards: 45
The first copy of each program in this deck does not count against your influence limit.
"New technology destroys the old."
Illustrator: Matt Zeilinger
The Professor: Keeper of Knowledge is also played in 1.63% of the Shaper deck with an average quantity of 1 per Shaper deck.
Check some deck(s) with The Professor: Keeper of Knowledge
UK Nationals 2016, 112th Paula Norris - Professor Panda
Moscow GNK 2016-07-30 Singleton, 10th Novikova Julia - Prof
M.E.A.O. Cup - Non tier 1 Aleatory ID's, 5th CIPRI - Professor of nothing
Black Lion Games Store Championship 2016 , 5th Matty Addison - Professor Atman
Slovakia Nationals 2015, 35th Peter Kopac (PeekaySK) - Lit Prof v2.1 (Slovak Nationals 2015)