Neutral - ICE - Sentry - Tracer
What Lies Ahead
- Cost: 1
When you rez Dracō, you may pay X[Credits] to place X power counters on it. Draco has +1 strength for each power counter on it. [Subroutine] Trace2 - If successful, give the Runner 1 tag and end the run.
Victos dracones numquam deride.
Illustrator: Sandara Tang
Check some deck(s) with Drac?
CZ/SK Nationals 2016, 11th Dusan Frolkovic - Making Death
Replay Games Regional, Bangor Northern Ireland, 3rd Jordan Saxby - Palana Foods
NACH Oslo Qualifier, 4th Robert Hernes - Quick ignition
Helsinki GNK January, 1st Niklas Virkkala - Limited Supermodernism (CC, WLA, OM)
Charity Gift 2015, 7th Theo Clifford - Get Money, Score Astros