Neutral - Asset
23 Seconds
- Trash Cost: 4
If you have at least 10[Credits], each piece of ice has +1 strength for every 5[Credits] in your credit pool.
Money is power.
Illustrator: Pavel Kolomeyets
- Trash Cost: 4
Check some deck(s) with Sandburg
Store Championship - Geekery HQ, 2016, 7th Teo Mesiouris - Old Hollywood Gagarin
JJDJS Summer 2016, 2nd William Loffel - Wayland Ally
New Zealand Nationals 2016, 18th Mark Knewstubb - Sideways Space Stock
Moscow GNK 2016-08-20, 6th Artyom Sizyakin - Haasburg
UK Nationals 2016, 47th Joel Atkinson - Spy Camera Shmy Shmamera