Tem�jin Contract

Criminal - Resource - Job
Blood Money
  • Cost: 4
  • Influence: 2

Choose a server and place 20[Credits] from the bank on Temüjin Contract when you install it. When there are no credits left on Temüjin Contract, trash it. Whenever you make a successful run on the chosen server, take 4[Credits] from Temüjin Contract.

Illustrator: Timur Shevtsov

Tem�jin Contract is played in 3.71% of the Runner deck in the tournament section with an average quantity of 2.74 per deck.
Tem�jin Contract is also played in 6.65% of the Criminal deck with an average quantity of 2.93 per Criminal deck.

Check some deck(s) with Tem�jin Contract

Android Netrunner Tem�jin Contract Image