Commercial Bankers Group
Weyland Consortium - Asset - Political
Democracy and Dogma
- Cost: 1
- Influence: 2
- Trash Cost: 2
When your turn begins, gain 3[Credits] if there is no ice protecting this server.
"Money is speech and I am listening intently." -Krishnan Sareen
Illustrator: Timur Shevtsov
- Trash Cost: 2
Commercial Bankers Group is also played in 2.29% of the Weyland Consortium deck with an average quantity of 2.33 per Weyland Consortium deck.
Check some deck(s) with Commercial Bankers Group
- Nu Brand 2017 SC, 2nd Jason Deng - CtM Tempo Tag
- Moscow GNK 2016-11-26 , 2nd Smirnov Anton - Snekbite
- BD Cosmos Store Championship, 8th Nicolas Caron - CtM = Comme Toue le Monde
- Interactivity Board Game Cafe Store Championship - 2016, 2nd James Pare - Snekbite
- Moscow GNK 2016-11-26 , 8th Konovalov Vitaliy - Snekbite