Localized Product Line
Neutral - Operation
Salsette Island
- Cost: 4
- Influence: 3
Search R&D for any number of copies of a card, reveal them, and add them to HQ. Shuffle R&D.
It's the exact same coffee, but the price sure is different.
Check some deck(s) with Localized Product Line
"Grajfer" Toru? Storechampionship - 2017, 2nd ?mieszny - Hasty CI
Canada Nationals 2016, 31st Kevin Nicol - Tagstorm Sync
Moscow GNK 2016-07-30 Singleton, 8th Zhigarev Boris - Blue Sun
Montreal Regional 2016, 6th Joseph Kuchar - BaBW
Moscow Regional Championship 02-07-2016, 3rd Zhigarev Boris - Consulting Sun