Salem's Hospitality
NBN - Operation - Alliance - Gray Ops
Salsette Island
- Cost: 2
- Influence: 4
This card costs 0 influence if you have 6 or more non-alliance [nbn] cards in your deck.
Name a card. The Runner reveals his or her grip and trashes all copies of the named card from his or her grip.
Salem's Hospitality is also played in 1.12% of the NBN deck with an average quantity of 1.88 per NBN deck.
Check some deck(s) with Salem's Hospitality
Store Championship - Geekery HQ, 2016, 7th Teo Mesiouris - Old Hollywood Gagarin
Polish Nationals 2016, 1st Selverin - Bio Sync
Polish Nationals 2016, 2nd Matuszczak - The Essence of Bullshit
CZ/SK Nationals 2016, 11th Dusan Frolkovic - Making Death
New Zealand Nationals 2016, 5th Jay Flint - Harishchandra Butchery