Heritage Committee
Jinteki - Operation - Alliance
Kala Ghoda
- Cost: 1
- Influence: 2
This card costs 0 influence if you have 6 or more non-alliance [jinteki] cards in your deck. Draw 3 cards. Add 1 card from HQ to the top of R&D.
It is only by respecting the past that we can build a better future.
Heritage Committee is also played in 4.53% of the Jinteki deck with an average quantity of 1.33 per Jinteki deck.
Check some deck(s) with Heritage Committee
Moscow GNK 2016-07-30 Singleton, 3rd Galkin Dmitry - Milleinum Flacon Bioroid 7
Moscow Regional Championship 02-07-2016, 5th Smirnov Anton - Industrial Genomics
Moscow GNK 2016-06-18, 5th Smirnov Anton - Industrial Genomics
Moscow GNK 2016-06-18, 2nd Popov Egor - Total Recall
Moscow GNK 2016-06-18, 4th Antonov Evgeny - Bio Ethics Lock