Torneo Cittadino @Doppio Gioco november 2015 (2015-11-29)

8 players attended to this tournament in Rome, Italia. There were 4 swiss rounds
The Netrunner Datapacks were authorized up to Data and Destiny

Swiss Round Results

Rank Player Corp Deck Runner Deck Points SoS
1st Gabriele "gabsnow18" Arra Blue Sun Leela 12 33
2nd Matteo "m4nnic" Bienna Near Earth Hub MaxX 12 31
3rd Andrea "Dreva" Castrignan� HB: EtF Valencia 11 31
4th Francesco "JustJD" Bucci Harmony Medtech Exile 9 33
5th Luca "m4stro" Guglielmi SYNC Leela Patel 6 41
6th Luca Melli HB: EtF Hayley 6 23
7th Dario "Klark" Vazzana Haarpsichord Studios Hayley 4 33
8th Filippo Melli Near Earth Hub Kate McCaffrey 4 31

Runner Decks

30% Top Runner Decks

Corp Decks

30% Top Corp Decks