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Round or Top Match* Round #1Round #2Round #3Round #4
Player on the Left* -----Alvaro Perdigones (Alvar)David Guallar (Aakroma)Ferran Perez (Ran)Guillem Piñero (Pin)Humberto Revilla (Truman)Ivan SanchezJonathan Montañés (Jonathan)Jonathan ZafraJordi LeisMarc VallésMichal Dziewonski
Player on the Right* -----Alvaro Perdigones (Alvar)David Guallar (Aakroma)Ferran Perez (Ran)Guillem Piñero (Pin)Humberto Revilla (Truman)Ivan SanchezJonathan Montañés (Jonathan)Jonathan ZafraJordi LeisMarc VallésMichal Dziewonski
Youtube ID*
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